Banana Republic Headquarters Information

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Banana Republic Corporation (Banana Republic) was founded in 1978 and is a well-known American clothing and accessories retailer owned by Gap. If you want to contact a Banana Republic store or directly the Banana Republic headquarters, use these contact details.

Where is the Banana Republic Corporate Office?

The Banana Republic corporate offices are located in San Francisco, California, United States. The company was founded in 1978 by Mel and Patricia Ziegler. If you want more information about the company or have some issues to report, you can either contact the Banana Republic corporate headquarters or a Banana Republic store.

Banana Republic Headquarters Address: 2 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA.

Banana Republic Headquarters Phone Number: + 1 – 650-952-4400 for Banana Republic headquarters; + 1 – 888-277-8953 for customer support.

Banana Republic Headquarters Email: NA

Banana Republic Headquarters Website: The Banana Republic official website is  Here you will find more information about the company and its products, and also start your shopping session.

Banana Republic Headquarters Executives

Since it is owned by Gap, Banana Republic’ CEO is the Gap’s CEO, namely Art Peck. Banana Republic’s president, Andi Owen, was fired by Gap’s president at the beginning of 2017 due to the continuous drop in sales.

Banana Republic CEO and President Art Peck
Banana Republic EVP and Chief Financial Officer Teri List-Stoll
Banana Republic  EVP, Global Talent and Sustainability Bobbi Silten
Banana Republic EVP, Strategy & Chief Customer Officer Sebastian DiGrande
Banana Republic EVP and Chief Information Officer Paul Chapman

How to Complain to Banana Republic Corporate Headquarters

To make a complaint about a product or a Banana Republic Store, you can contact the Banana Republic headquarters, go directly to the store’s management team or talk to customer service. These contact details will certainly help you:

  • Banana Republic Customer Support Phone: + 1 – 888-277-8953
  • Banana Republic Customer Support Email: [email protected]

Banana Republic Resources

The Banana Republic official website is a store in itself, which means that you can start shopping wherever you are. Please visit the Banana Republic official website for more information.

Use these resources to find out more:

Banana Republic Website

Banana Republic Contact Page

Banana Republic Facebook Page

Banana Republic Twitter Page

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